FPGA, GPU and SOC based designs

At Paraqum, we excel in harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies like Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), System-on-Chip (SoC) and System-on-Module(SoM) solutions to create highly customized, high-performance electronic systems. Our proficiency spans a wide range of platforms and design considerations. Our engineers are well versed with cutting edge design and verification methodologies. We have the full expertise in spec-to-design so that you can sit back and relax while we develop the design that is in your mind.

Expertise with leading brands and Standards

Our engineers are well-versed in working with industry-leading brands like Intel (Altera), AMD (Xilinx), Lattice, and NVidia. Our deep design experience with these platforms ensures that we can create solutions that leverage the full potential of these advanced technologies.

Our team of engineers also boasts a profound expertise rooted in industry-leading standards and protocols. With a comprehensive understanding of memory protocols such as AXI, ACE, and TileLink to video broadcasting protocols such as HDMI, and SDI, we navigate the intricate landscapes of almost every digital design project with unparalleled finesse. Beyond our mastery of foundational protocols, we pride ourselves on our adeptness with a vast array of industry-leading 3rd party IPs. This multifaceted experience equips us to deliver solutions that are not only cutting-edge but also aligned with the evolving needs of our clientele. Trust in Paraqum Technologies for a blend of expertise, innovation, and reliability.

Power Management Mastery

Power is the lifeblood of electronic devices. Explore the pinnacle of FPGA power management with Paraqum. Our experts specialize in designing low-power devices using advanced techniques like clock gating and glitching-free designs. We ensure your FPGA solutions not only meet but exceed industry standards, emphasizing both cutting-edge performance and energy efficiency. Trust us to seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art technologies for optimal power management in FPGAs.

Advanced IC Packages

    We're experienced with extra-fine-pitch Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Chip Scale Package (CSP) ICs. These advanced packages present unique design challenges, which we've mastered to create high-quality, robust designs.

Signal Integrity at High Data Rates

High data rate modules demand careful consideration of signal integrity. Our expertise in handling high-speed interfaces, including GTX and GTH, ensures that your design performs flawlessly even under the most demanding conditions.

Layout Designs for High Bandwidth Standards

We specialize in creating layout designs that conform to high bandwidth standards such as DDR4 and PCIe Gen 4. Our designs optimize data transfer rates and minimize latency, providing you with top-tier performance. 

Let's create together

With our knowledge and experience in FPGA, GPU, and SoC-based designs, we're committed to delivering solutions that meet and exceed your expectations.

Contact Us to learn more about how we can apply our FPGA, GPU, and SoC expertise to your project. 

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